We welcome your comments on any postings. This is a space for parents and friends of the school to give us feedback on any aspect of school life.

Friday, December 15, 2006

CJS Challenge Club

The CJS Challenge Club is online at www.cjschallengeclub.blogspot.com and is a blog designed by Miss Fogg with our Gifted and Talented pupils in mind.
It is an attempt for children to have a try at E-Learning - the setting of challenges online. Although designed with children in mind, they may need a little help from an adult in the first instance to set up a user name and password.
The idea is to log into the post which is relevant to the subject area your child has been identified as Gifted or Talented in, and try out the activity. Whether your child is on the G&T register or not, why not check the blog out – it’s a nice Christmas time filler for all the family!

Monday, December 04, 2006


The following letter was sent to Derby City Council’s Streetcare department by one of our concerned parents:-
“I'm writing to request that the 'clean up after your dog' signs are re-painted on the Flatts paths near Chellaston Infant and Junior schools. These were painted there whilst my son was at the infant school (probably around 2003) however when the path was widened and re-surfaced in the summer of 2005, they were never re-done. At the time when the signs were painted there, dog mess around the schools had been a particularly bad problem and it significantly improved once the signs were there.

In recent weeks the amount of dog mess there has been increasing. It is bad enough that we have to dodge it all when walking down Maple Drive (where signs would also be useful), but at least it isn't so busy there. The Flatts paths are very crowded during school run times so it is often impossible to see it before it is too late. This problem is particularly bad in the winter as I think dog owners just think it will be washed away with the rain. I am aware that it is being reported (I have done this along with other parents) and I saw someone cleaning it up today so of course am extremely grateful that the Council do respond. It is not always cleared up in time for 3.30pm however, possibly due to it not being reported early enough or maybe not at all. Also, even if it is cleared up, there is always more the next morning. It is almost as if some dog owners deliberately choose to use the paths as a toilet for their dogs because they are not well lit and so are less likely to be spotted leaving it there. The problem is made worse because as the paths are so busy it unavoidably gets spread around.

It is only a matter of time before it gets trodden into the school grounds or even a classroom (if it hasn't been already). I'm sure I don't have to express the health risks associated with this, let alone the unpleasantness for the staff in the schools that would end up having to clean it up. There are many people who use pushchairs around the schools, not only does this mean dog mess could be transferred into the playground by foot but also on buggy wheels. Furthermore it is not nice having to check and possibly clean buggies and prams everyday before bringing them into a house or putting them in a car.

There are several areas on the paths where big signs painted on the floor would be required:
at the start of each of the three paths off Maple Drive.
the entrance to Flatts path from the Walker buildings on High Street.
halfway along Flatts path from Maple Drive where the infant school grounds begin.
on the triangular tarmac area near the junior school.
I think there always was about 4 signs anyway, and there is only a need for additional ones due to there being a greater tarmac area in total. There may be signs on lamp posts but if there are, they are not visible enough and are obviously ignored. I think the signs on the floor worked well as they were so big that people would feel guilty not cleaning it up.

I hope you will consider this matter carefully. After all people campaigned hard to get the signs put there in the first place so I feel it only right that they are re-painted again. I think this should just have been done as a matter of course when the paths were re-surfaced. Many parents of children at the schools and local play groups feel strongly about this, I have particular cause to since last year my daughter fell over and ended up with dog mess all over her legs.

I would appreciate it if you could reply promptly to me about this. Please bear also in mind it would be helpful if the signs were painted there as soon as possible seeing as though the problem is particularly bad at the moment.”

Friday, December 01, 2006

Report for Parents of Children's Performance in Optional tests and Y6 SATs - May 2006

This report is for parents’ information. It is a summary of a detailed report presented to governors and staff in September 2006. The first section deals with performance in years 3-5. The children are tested using government tests that are recommended for each year group. Tests give teachers a national curriculum level. This is compared to levels achieved in previous years’ tests. The difference allows us to measure the progress made by each child.

Section 1 - Progress in years 3 - 5

Children’s progress is measured in Writing, Reading and Maths. Next year we will be able to report also on progress in Science. The tables below show the percentage of children in years 3-5 who made progress in the three areas.

Year 3

Percentage of children in year group who improved by one or more sub-levels.
Writing 79
Reading 85
Numeracy 74

Year 4

Percentage of children in year group who improved by one or more sub-levels.
Writing 91
Reading 86
Numeracy 74

Year 5

Percentage of children in year group who improved by one or more sub-levels.
Writing 92
Reading 90
Numeracy 72

What does the data tell us?

Looking at years 3-5 shows that performance in numeracy lags behind that in Reading and Writing. It shows that consistently three quarters of children made progress. This was the target set for each class.

Performance in Maths is consistently below that in Reading and Writing. This has led to a review of how we use strategies for less able children in Maths. Springboard is a national program which supports children whose performance is slightly below average. This is run in each class and maths group. Children are identified using tracking data which the school uses for each pupil. Wave 3 is a new government initiative which is aimed at children well below average who have significant gaps in their knowledge. This is currently being trialled in years 3 and 4. Children were again chosen by using data of their current performance.

Section 2 – Analysis of year 6 SATs

Overall performance

This graph compares information for 2005 and 2006. Level 5 performance data has been added.

The table shows the percentage of children in year 6 who made progress in Reading, writing and numeracy.

Percentage of children in year group who improved by one or more sub-levels.
Writing 71
Reading 95
Numeracy 95

What does this tell us?

Performance in numeracy improved by 1 percent overall with level 5s up by 4 percent. Science was the same at 97 percent with level fives down by 2 percent. English level fours were down by 14 percent and level fives by 19 percent. The drop in level 5 was expected and the level 5 target of 34 percent was achieved as were the level 4 and 5 targets in numeracy.

Reading scores stayed in line with 2005. However, writing scores fell back to their pre-2005 position. The table above shows writing performance is significantly below that of numeracy and reading. This is still above national and local levels. The improvement of writing across the school is a key area in the school’s improvement plan in 2006-7 and for schools locally and nationally.

Teachers are having extra training and children are being trained to write, focusing on elements of writing in different types (letters, reports, stories for example). They are being shown how to assess their own writing and that of others. This will lead to children suggesting how they can improve their own writing.


The data in this report has been used as part of the school’s self-review process. The issues of numeracy in years 3-5 and writing across the school are currently being addressed. If you would like to comment on this report please use our blog facility. If you would like any help with this report please contact Mr. Robertson or Mrs. Drake.

We welcome your comments.

Monday, November 27, 2006

School website and weekly spellings

We will be re-vamping the school website in the near future and apologise if you find anything's missing.
I know how useful many of you find the weekly spellings sheets. I've uploaded all of the weekly spellings lists for each year group and these can be found on the Kids section of the website in the Literacy folder. If you experiece any problems, please let me know!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mr Pegg

Mr Graham Pegg will be leaving us at the end of the autumn term after teaching at Chellaston Junior School for over 31 years.
Graham’s retirement marks the end of a very long and special association with CJS and he will be greatly missed by us all. He has been a loyal, caring and dedicated member of our teaching staff who has had responsibility, at different times, for many curriculum areas. In addition to these responsibilities, Graham has given his time freely running extra-curricular clubs for pupils. Graham has been a great friend and source of wisdom to pupils, staff and parents alike. His warm and caring nature, his great sense of humour and his enormous talent for playing different musical instruments are just a few of Graham’s many talents. To mark Graham’s service to CJS, there will be a special collection and should you wish to contribute, please send your donation to school via your child’s class teacher or via the school office. Many thanks.

Monday, October 16, 2006


CJS Buzz number 4 went out last week. Hope you like the new format!

Half term is fast approaching and here's hoping everyone has a really good break.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Dare I mention Christmas?

It's never too early to advertise I guess!

For a really special treat before Christmas come to see "Christmas with Cantata".

A whole host of Christmas songs old and new with mince pies and mulled wine!

Visit www.cantataensemble.co.uk for ticket availability and prices.

Viva Mexico

If anyone would like to do something special at half term (yes, it's fast approaching!) then why not come to see Beeston Musical Theatre Group's "Viva Mexico".

With lots of well known songs, it's sure to set your feet tapping!


http://www.bmtg.org.uk/index.php to find out more!

Friday, September 22, 2006


This was posted by a parent in the Guest Book and I thought it was worth drawing attention to it here:-

"Instead of inviting all parents in each year group to join their child for a dinner but limiting it to 15-18 parents, why not do it like at the Infants. They have 13 dates in the year, one for each class, rather than per whole year group. Usually 4-10 parents turn up from each class on each date. This way more parents can come. You could still put a limit on the number of parents allowed from each class, but then if only 2 or 3 parents want to come out of a particular class then parents from other classes who didn't 'get in' can be 'rolled over' to this class date instead".

We used to have one date for parents' lunch for each year group but found that we had so many parents wanting to come that this disrupted the normal lunch break too much. We then decided to offer each year group a couple of dates instead but restrict the numbers to 15-18. This seems to have worked well and we haven't reached the maximum numbers for the current year 3 parents' lunches.

You're probably aware that we've arranged and published all the dates for the parents' lunches this year, but it's certainly worth looking into your suggestion for the future.
Thanks for your comments.

If anyone has any further thoughts, please post them here. Thanks!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What's been sent out

What's been sent out this week:-
Letter about Spanish lessons
Reminder about CJS Fun Raisers meeting next Wednesday.
Termly topic sheets Y3, 5 & 6 (Y4 to follow)
Details of the Christmas Card competition

CJS Buzz No 2
Macmillan Coffee Morning

Just a reminder that we are having a Coffee morning on Thursday 28th September from 9.00 am until 10.00am. Hope you can make it and support this worthwhile charity. Tea/Coffee and Cake will be available as well as raffle tickets to win a chocolate hamper, just what is needed for all our pre Christmas diets! There is a similiar raffle for the children and they will be able to purchase a biscuit for 10 pence on Thursday as well!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Thank you

As you probably know, I set up this blog as part of my research degree. I'm pleased to tell you that I was awarded a First Class BA (Hons) Learning, Technology & Research degree and am looking forward to the graduation cermony in November at Chelmsford Cathedral.
Thank you to everyone who's supported me over the past three years - it made all the difference!
It couldn't have been that bad as Nicola Murton, our Learning Mentor, is embarking on the same degree this year. Good luck Nicola!

Maureen Slack BA (Hons) ... sorry, couldn't resist that!

Welcome to a new academic year!

Welcome to all our new pupils & their parents. We hope you will all have an enjoyable year ahead.

These are the items we have sent out so far:-
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy
Year 3 Parents' Lunches
Tesco Sport for Schools & Clubs 2006
CJS Buzz Volume 8 No 1

Club letters are being sent out to relevant year groups as flyers - look out for these!

Friday, June 23, 2006


Last night was intake evening for parents of children who will be joining us in September. It’s an exciting time of the year - a mix of anticipation and excitement as we prepare for the year 2s, with a twinge of sadness as we see the year 6s prepare for their leavers’ evening and make visits to their respective secondary schools. Sometimes it means saying goodbye to parents who’ve had several children go through the school which feels like we’re saying goodbye to family – such is the good relationship we’ve built up with many of our parents. Anyway before I get carried away on the sentimentality of this time of the year – we’ve still another 4 weeks to go – hello & welcome to any of our new parents who might be reading the blog for the first time. I mentioned it at last night’s meeting and it may be that some of you are having a read (I hope so!). Please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you’d like to read.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Boy Friend

Fancy watching a show over the half term holiday?

Heanor Operatic Society Youth Company are presenting The Boy Friend at Heanor Gate Science College from Wednesday 31st May to Friday 2nd May at 7.15pm each night. Usually a really professional kids performance.

If you would like to go, please book your tickets from the Box Office on 01773 762042. You may or not see me there....I'l be supervising the children back stage this time!

Alternatively, you may like to wait until October half term when I'll be conducting the orchestra for Beeston Muiscal Theatre Group's performance of Viva Mexico. Check out the website at http://www.bmtg.org.uk/

I'll be doing the same job at Heanor Operatic Society during February half term when they put on The Pajama Game.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Race for Life

On Sunday several members of staff are taking part in the Race for Life at Darley Park. This is the UK’s biggest women-only fundraising event and involves a short (did I say short?) 5km walk or run to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. I'm sure there'll be lots of parents and girls from school taking part as well - so wish us luck and here's to raising lots of money for Cancer Research UK.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Guys and Dolls

Follow this link to a slideshow of this year's Guys and Dolls:-http://www.cjs.derby.sch.uk/drama.htmh.uk/drama.htm. It's the first time I've used this software and it loads relatively quickly on our broadband connection. If you find it takes too long to load/view, can you please leave a comment and I'll change it.

Katie's also written a review on the show - you'll find that on the Drama page too.

The TES have introduced their first photoblog – where pictures do the talking. They are looking at ways of approaching the theme of personal identity through photography. They ask "How do we define ourselves? How can a picture communicate our identity? What does that picture look like?" Anyone want to share a photograph that they think looks like them or defines their personality? Email me at admin@cjs.derby.sch.uk.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Where's the crap game?

Luck be a lady tonight?

Who needs luck?

Where's the crap game?

There's nothing rubbish about this performance!

Sit down you're rocking the boat?

You won't throw the passengers overboard on this one!

I've never been in love before

You sure will be when you see this baby!

This doll is considerably.....a...a...choo......pleased.

Well Done!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Guys and Dolls

Ladies and gentleman........

Chellaston Junior School Drama and Choir clubs are proud to present Guys and Dolls Junior!

We have been slaving away at rehearsals since September, and now there is just over a week until our opening. Let me tell you......it is going to be a fantastic show.

Well done to all of the year 5 and 6 children who have been involved in this production. Their commitment has been great. All we need to do now is to add a few finishing touches to it, and we're ready for curtain up. Thank you especially to parents who have helped to get children to rehearsals and sort out costumes. Special thanks goes to Miss Smith, Mrs Macdonald and Ms Savidge for their help and support at rehearsals, to Mrs Slack for organising the programmes and tickets, Mrs Royston-Webb for co-ordinating costumes and props, and to Mr Bemrose and Mr Mr Macdonald for their fabulous efforts with the scenery.


Miss Fogg

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Following the skipping workshop that visited school, 160 children have signed up to take part in an in-school skipping challenge. The children have been divided into eight teams and will skip for 5 minutes each week. There will be awards to boy/girl in each year that have skipped the most and also to the winning team!
Hopefully we will have some very fit children at the end of it!

Action Aid Coffee Morning

Thanks to those that came to the Coffee Morning and special thanks to Mrs Brady for donating the Fairtrade Hamper. It was won by Mrs Savidge - Ticket no 152.

Road Safety Quiz Final

Last Thursday, eight of our children took part in the Road Safety Quiz Final organised by Derby City Council Road Safety Team. The whole school took part in an earlier round and Chellaston Junior School came in the top four.

The children did really well and obviously knew all about Road Safety. After a couple close rounds we finally came joint second with Oakwood Junior School coming first. The children were awarded a goody bag and the school were given a certificate. It was a lovely evening with refreshments and a Magic Show.

Special thanks to Alice, Rhys, Emily, Daniel, Tianna, Eliot, Daisy and Harry for a really good effort and also to parents for taking their children to the event.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Goodbye and good luck!

Today we said goodbye and good luck to our ICT Technician, Sarah Humphreys. Sarah has been with us almost 5 years and I can't begin to imagine how many new aspects of ICT she's been involved with during that time (even this week she was in Cromford class demonstrating the new Qwizdom devices). We're indebted to her for sharing her vast knowledge of all things technical and staff and pupils will miss her enormously. Recently Sarah's been sharing the joys of the school's intranet and website with me and I've learnt even more aspects of how technology can be used to share information in a collaborative and learning environment.
Thanks for all your hard work, enthusiasm and support, Sarah. Good luck for the future!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


This link will take you to a slideshow of the static display in the school main reception. I hope it gives you a flavour of the exhibition.
Please come and have a look or visit the online exhibition.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Exhibition and online presentation

Thank you to everyone who responded to the questionnaire and to the brave parents who kindly agreed to be interviewed. An exhibition (sounds a bit grand, but that's what we're supposed to call it!) of my research will be held in the main reception from Monday, 28th February to Friday, 3rd March and everyone is invited and will be made most welcome. I'd welcome your feedback (critical as well as complimentary!) on both the presentation of the exhibition and the findings. This can be done either in person or by a feedback sheet.

As the degree title suggests (BA (Hons) Learning, Technology & Research), technology has been an integral part of my learning and we have been encouraged to be creative in the way we use technology to present our work to the University board. As my research is to investiage the use of technology in improving home-school communication, I thought it would be beneficial to present my exhibition in an online presentation so that parents who aren't able to come into school can view the research at a time/place to suit themselves. The presentation can be viewed at http://firstclass.ultraversity.net/~Maureen.Slack/EXHIBITION. It's different from the static exhibition as it contains audio files (thanks to Jack and Katie (pupils) for their input here) and again, your feedback on the presentation & content is very important.

Thanks in advance!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thanks to everyone for attending the Coffee Morning, it is always nice to meet with parents and have a chat. I hope it helped to answer any questions that people might have about the school or my role. I can be contacted on 01332 701460 or 07989516912 if anyone needs to chat to me in confidence about any worries that they might have regarding their children. The next Coffee morning is on Friday 10th March supporting Action Aid.

This week's letters

Central Soccer Schools half-term coaching - all school
Legion XIIII visit - Year 3
Aztec visit - Year 6
CJS Buzz - Number 12

Friday, January 27, 2006

What's lurking in the bottom of your child's bag?

Apart from a broken pen, empty crisp packet and other assorted "stuff", you might find:-
The lastest Buzz (Number 11)
Year 4 - termly topics
Opus Concert Club - all pupils
Hockey Club - Year 6
International Week - food allergies letter - all pupils
Aztecs Workshops - Year 6
UNICEF's Day for Change (next Friday) - letter to all pupils
Saisnbury'sActive Kids 2006 - letter to all parents

That's about it for the week. Have a great weekend everyone.


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the questionnaire sent out regarding the use of technology to improve home-school communication. Quite a few parents have had a chance to look at the blog as a result of the questionnaire, so if this is one of your first visits - welcome!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Jack and the Beanstalk

Can I just say that those of us who went to see Jack and the Beanstalk on Saturday afternoon enjoyed it thoroughly. Chellaston Players put on a great show....I especially liked Sophie's dad as Dame Trott!

The children were a credit to the school and were extremely well behaved.

(oh no they weren't!)


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Message Board

I have been asked whether it would be possible to set up a message board where parents can post comments on a particular topic. This is an experimental message board and is on the subject of School Dinners. To take part, please follow the link on the left of this page. Please let me know if there are any other subjects that you would like a message board to discuss.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Parents' Questionnaire

My questionnaire is now accessible via the school website http://www.cjs.derby.sch.uk/questionnaire.doc and can be emailed back to me at admin@cjs.derby.sch.uk. Although it is addressed to CJS parents, I am also interested in other people's opinions too, so if anyone wishes to complete the questionnaire, please do so. Many thanks to those of you who have already completed the paper version.

Miss Joynes and I visited the BETT exhibition at Olympia last week and were amazed at some of the ideas being exhibited. We particularly liked the Qwizdom interactive remote response system (http://www.qwizdom.co.uk/) and have arranged for a demonstration to teaching staff. Some of the ideas seem so far advanced you wonder if they will ever find a place in school, yet it was just two years ago that I first saw the GroupCall SMS text messaging service for parents being exhibited at BETT, and now we have been trialling the system at CJS for the past three months to great effect. In fact, of all the technological changes we have introduced, this seems to be the one that has attracted the most positive feedback from parents. I'm looking forward to seeing if the questionnaire backs up my thoughts on this!

Friday, January 13, 2006

What you might...should...have received so far this year!

All parents - summer flowering bulbs letter & catalogue
All parents - KS2 Maths study materials
All parents - International Week letter
Year 3 - visits to Pizza Express (Food Technology)
Year 4 - proposed trip to Stratford
Year 4 - invitation to parents' lunches
Year 5 - Badminton Club
Years 5 & 6 - letter from the Modern Foreign Languages department of Chellaston School

Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Did you make any new year's resolutions? My only one is to make sure I graduate this year and with three more modules to complete before 22nd May, I need to stay focused so that I will hopefully reach my goal (albeit 20+ years later than my peers!)
I am about to start collecting data for my research project, which means producing a questionnaire that will attempt to gain as many parents' views as possible on all the different technological media we have developed for improving home-school communication - email, the school website, this weblog and our SMS text messaging service. It is your views that really matter and this feedback will enable us to make changes/improvements in how we communicate. Thanks in advance for all your help so far.