We welcome your comments on any postings. This is a space for parents and friends of the school to give us feedback on any aspect of school life.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Exhibition and online presentation

Thank you to everyone who responded to the questionnaire and to the brave parents who kindly agreed to be interviewed. An exhibition (sounds a bit grand, but that's what we're supposed to call it!) of my research will be held in the main reception from Monday, 28th February to Friday, 3rd March and everyone is invited and will be made most welcome. I'd welcome your feedback (critical as well as complimentary!) on both the presentation of the exhibition and the findings. This can be done either in person or by a feedback sheet.

As the degree title suggests (BA (Hons) Learning, Technology & Research), technology has been an integral part of my learning and we have been encouraged to be creative in the way we use technology to present our work to the University board. As my research is to investiage the use of technology in improving home-school communication, I thought it would be beneficial to present my exhibition in an online presentation so that parents who aren't able to come into school can view the research at a time/place to suit themselves. The presentation can be viewed at http://firstclass.ultraversity.net/~Maureen.Slack/EXHIBITION. It's different from the static exhibition as it contains audio files (thanks to Jack and Katie (pupils) for their input here) and again, your feedback on the presentation & content is very important.

Thanks in advance!

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